SJE Men's Discipleship   •   Live4More
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Community, Viera FL


Feedback is always invited

What would you like to have offered to the men of the parish to help live, understand or share our faith as 'the beloved men of Jesus' at St John the Evangelist? You can also submit your thoughts with the link below Our Patron's picture.

To direct your communications to
Core Team:

  • Joe Boniface, SJE Men's Discipleship Coordinator
  • Deacon Lee Levenson, Parish Laison
  • Pete Colangelo, Core Team Member, Food coor.
  • Opening, Core Team Member, Mktg-Media coor., computer literacy helpful
  • Tony Ramirez, Core Team Member, Computer Media/Sound coor.
  • Benjamin Fine, Men of St. Joseph Laison (group meets Thursday mornings 6:30am Rm 5)

Or, leave your contact information in the following form and we will contact you.

Contact Us or Request Information

We are also available in the 'Men's Discipleship Ministry' group on the St John the Evangelist
My Parish App.

Small Group Leaders:

  • Jim Fiandaca, Men's Small Group Leader (Thursdays 9AM SJE Room 1)    [Status: meeting]
  • Hank Poletto, Men's Small Group Leader (Wednesdays 9AM SJE Room 5)  [Status: meeting]
  • Joe Boniface, Men's Small Group Leader (Thursdays 6:30PM, alt'g. Suntree/Viera homes)     [Status: meeting]
  • Paco Farach, Men's Small Group Leader, (Wednesdays 6:30PM, alt'g. Viera homes)   [Status: meeting]
    (New Small Groups of 4 to 8 are encouraged to start. Contact Joe Boniface for details and startup information.)

Please direct your email to anyone in the Men's ministry at: SJE Men's Discipleship


Email:    Joe Boniface
Page Last Updated: 03/01/2024