Our Event History...2024
March Men's Night, Monday August 5, 2024, Holy — "Expressions of Prayer"
Our August Men's Night featured Fr Benjamin Lehnertz, pastor of St Joseph in Orlando. He spoke on "Expressions of Prayer" and how we might enhance our Prayer time and Spiritual Life. He gave us a formula for prayer with; "Acknowledge, Relate, Receive, Respond". So in all things, God wants us to recognize our needs, ask, open ourselves to receive and respond in kind to our loving Father, every day. Thank you Fr Benjamin for your powerful call to action to fill that void we often neglect.
Also want to thank Genna Pizza for their support and contributions to our parish community. It was awesome! And deserving of a plug...Give them a try. Owned and managed by parishioners of St John the Evangelist.
March Men's Night, Tuesday April 30, 2024 — "Living the Eucharistic Life"
It was a great evening for first time back since 2020. Fr Zack, Parochial Vicar at Ascension Church and an excellent speaker, gave us the most compelling explaination of our topic, "Living the Eucharistic Life":
what living the Eucharist is;
how and why we should direct our inner selves to demostrate an attitude of thanks toward God for all the blessings and all the trials he has bestowed on us;
how we can understand the sacrifice of the Mass better in directing the Love we receive back toward Him as He poured his Love out to us;
avoiding sinful choices by recognizing Gods creation in everything for what He created it to be;
and finally, seeing our place in God's plan as being one of joy, appreciation of our world, and to love one another as God loves us.
Our Event History...2020
March Men's Breakfast, Saturday Mar 7th 2020 — "Sacrament of Holy Orders – WHAT’S UP WITH THAT: A Deacon's VIEW"
A fun, enlightenting and delicious morning featuring our parish's neighbor Deacon Tom Stauffacher of Ascension Church.
Deacon Tom shared a bit about what the calling and ministry of a deacon is about and how that same calling and ministry is what we are called toward exercising in our own lives. He shared and compared, sometimes in a quite humorous way, how we all share in the task of discipleship and service, whether Bishop, Priest, Deacon or Lay Person. He broke our understanding down to Vocation, Temperment, Holiness, Sacrament, Priorities, and Life Style. Everyone seemed to go having learned something new and was filled with interest which inspired sharing with the other brothers in attendance. If you missed this, so sorry. It was a great morning.
2020 Men's Retreat, Jan 24-26 — Our Lady of Florida Spiritual Center
Sorry we missed you at Our Lady of Florida Spiritual Center for the retreat “Eucharist: Blessed & Broken ~ Shared & Sent“. Although my
brothers from St John's were not there, my brothers from Ascension and a number of other parishes shared together a remarkable experience.
It is a blessed place to find time for you and God; to be renewed, healed, strengthened, loved and challenged.
What a remarkable experience I had. Perhaps next time we can get a dozen and a half men together like Ascension did. The next annual Men's retreat for St John's is scheduled for January 29-31, 2021. There are also other opportunities to take part at OLOF. They offer a number of different types of retreats; men's, women's, couples, silent, scripture, charismatic, healing, centered prayer, and more. For more information you can visit their website at Our Lady of Florida Spiritual Center or email SJE Men's Discipleship from the bottom of this page.
Our Event History...2019
Men's Night Dec 02, 2019 — Adventure Catholic with speakers Alan Migliorato & Darryl Dziedzic
Alan and Darryl presented a scripture based leadership model addressing this role in our own ministries as heads of family and teachers of our youth.
We invite all generations of men to this presentation from grandsons through grandfathers. We particularly encourage those of you with teenage families to come together as father-son to lead like the Shepherd. Click icon to visit their website .
Men's Annual Liv4More Conference September 28, 2019 — with Holy Name of Jesus, Indialantic, speakers Fr Ben Lehnertz, Fr Blake Britton, and Fr Scott Circe.
The conference theme of 'Living as Sons of God' come out of the talks. Fr Ben Lehnertz lead us through understanding how to live and experience the Beatitudes through our human challenges as we aspire toward our own sainthoods. We also heard Fr Blake Britton tell about the challenges and importance of maintaining our masculinity in a world fighting to erase it. God intends for us to work together, man and woman, with our own strengths and weaknesses, allowing our respective natures and synergies to help build our lives in holiness.
Men's Night June 17, 2019 — speaker Deacon Mike McElwee
Our faith is sometimes a fragile thing. We can go from Praise and Elation to wondering where our spiritual energy went and "Where is God when I need him?" Deacon Mike shared, in "Where is God when I Suffer?", some real life stories, helped us get in touch with and understand those times we have suffered and showed us some of the hope, healing and strength we can gather having experienced such things.
Rise Up Catholic Men's Conference March 23, 2019 – speakers Justin Fatica and Fr. Benjamin Lehnertz
The Diocesan Men's Conference was once again held at Holy Family Parish in Orlando. Justin Fatica as keynote presenter, a very well-known catholic evangelist and Founder of Hard as Nails Ministry addressed the topic “Nourishing the spirituality of today’s man focusing on his responsibility with family, job, community, and Church.” A challenging, but also inviting topic to speak to our contemporary environment.
Father Benjamin Lehnertz' talk invited participants to make a strong connection between faith and parish life as missionary disciples.
Men's Night January 14, 2019 – speaker Mr Jeffery Njus
Mr Jeffery Njus, Executive Director of Daily Bread was our guest speaker in Holy Cross Hall at 6-8PM. He shared with us about service and ministry including his own experiences and calling. It was a moving evening inviting us to find where we might serve and make a difference, in not only the lives of others, but in our own.
Our Event History...2018
Mens Saturday Breakfast September 29, 2018 — speaker Fr Scott Circe.
The SJE Men's Breakfast in Holy Cross Hall was well attended, with great food, good fellowship and discussion and a super presentation by Fr Scott Circe, Pastor of Holy Name of Jesus.
The topic was: Present Day Discipleship. The term for the day was 'Intentional Discipleship', a fantastic descriptor for our calling
to be witnesses, evangelizers, and followers of our Lord Jesus Christ. We heard we were also called to keep renewing ourselves in faithfulness to maintain our ability
to continue in our spiritual walk thus enabling us to be the evangelizers and disciples we are meant to be.
Thank You, Fr Scott!
We could not have had such a wonderful morning if not for the helpers that pitched in. Thanks, to the superior kitchen team;
the crews setting up and cleaning up; our music and video support team; greeters; discussion facilitators; and church staff. Thank all of you who attended -- hope
you had a fulfilling time together with your brothers.
Fr John Britto
Men's Night June 25, 2018 — 'Word on Fire' Video Presentation by Bishop Robert Barron, Having a
"Personal Relationship" with Jesus
The evening was centered around a video presenting an example for us in having a personal relationship with Christ. Referencing the mystical prayers of St. Catherine of Siena, Bishop Robert Barron reminds us that "thou" is meant to be a more familiar and intimate form of the second person pronoun, "you". So, it is with this affection we are to address our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. After all, the bishop explains, sharing a personal relationship with God is the awesome distinction of biblical religion and the real purpose of evangelization.
SJE Inaugural Event - Men's Conference April 21, 2018 — speakers Bill Gent and Fr Ben Berlinti.
What a fantastic men's conference for first time out! We had over 130 men from 5 different parishes, fantastic presentations, good food and great fellowship. Thanks to Bill Gent and Fr Ben for their talks. Then at the mass we witnessed Doug profess and join our faith receiving confirmation and first Holy Communion. And, we had the marriage of Patrick and his wife convalidated with their daughters present. It was truly a unique experience.