Live4More — Suntree Band of Brothers
TEN Years of Strong Brotherhood (estab. Feb 2015)! Praise the Lord! St. John the Evangelist Catholic Community, Viera FL
L4M Ministry has released three volumes of their Playbook for Disciples, small group discussion guides.
You will find file links here for review/download (they are 30-40 pages long).
There is also another Bible Commentary resource available at The St Paul Center complete with audio versions composed by Scott Hahn, an American Christian theologian and apologist and a former Presbyterian who converted to Catholicism.
If you have other material to share, please do.
Prayer List: — † Lord God, We offer in Prayer —
Our country's continued Healing & Unity; for Peace; and the Resolution of evil, threats and unrest in our world;
Those affected by war, disaster and disease that they find solace, safety and service;
Bless & make us the men you would have us be -- to Your Glory & Praise >>;
Our family members with their spiritual, physical, emotional struggles.
Remember those in need of healing and comfort; especially those suffering from pain and cancers.
Pray for the aged, our sick, our addicted and dying;
Thank God for each day, each person, each blessing and each other and for answering our prayers.
† Blessed be Jesus, our brother and our saviour, the power, the glory, The Way! Amen.